Happy Accidents

Van Morrison – The Last Waltz

This weekend, this week, this month, I have eyes peeled for declarations of life amid decay, for beauty stashed among chaos, for roots held steady in summer storms, for joy coming in the morning.

Today, and yesterday and the day before that – it’s been you that has steadied my soul. Right before my eyes, iron sharpens iron and we become better when we are together, sharing stories and life and tears. In this we heal and take shape, shavings of iron littering the floor. I often pray that when we meet, we would remind each other who we are. That’s what friends do, if they’re any good for you.

There is something truly remarkable to those friends who know the value of stories earned, those whispered tales of the soul. “Hello” and “Good bye” mean less and less the longer we’re friends, and you speak volumes just by sitting close. You know the meaning of gratitude and prayer and confession, and you wear the tell-tale signs of adventure and forgiveness. You are the ones worth waiting your whole life for, K said. And these are the ones I breathe silent thanks for.

In which this is saving my life right now.
The Busy Trap

(Image by Parker Fitzgerald)

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